The easier part about "change" is cleaning up your diet, drinking that daily green smoothie, or that attempting that daily workout. But isn't it interesting that those efforts don't really stick? I mean, ninety some percent of lifestyle changes fail and you go back to your old ways of being. Otherwise referred to as PATTERNS. Ever wonder why?
This is what we explore. |
Those are just goals... the conscious part of you writing down your hopes and dreams. And while those are great, and an essential part, they are not what actually propel the change in your patterns and behavior. The source of change comes from a deeper part within us. It's the beliefs and emotions that have been hard wired that you can no longer see. . . that is where you need to go.
This journey is the invitation. The process is based on your willingness and curiosity. It gently allows you to slow down, and through different inquiry and energy-based modalities, you bring awareness to the beliefs and behavior patterns that are driving your life. Then, with intention, we use Conscious Lifestyle Design to more fully step into the changes you've been wanting to make... so they stick. And you finally feel the relief and ease you knew you needed. |